Q: Are the online degrees accredited?
A: Our online degrees come from accredited universities and they are legal, authentic and accredited. The degrees are accredited by regional agencies and international accredited agencies.
Q: What is the difference of a university degree and a college degree?
A: A college focuses on different majors while a university is a community of different colleges.
Q: Are the online degrees safe and reliable?
A: We confer reliable and internationally recognized degrees. We have plenty of clients globally and we constantly expand our business. We provide lawyer certification and notarization when you purchase a degree online in order to assure you that we are not scam.
Q: How many degrees can I get ?
A: You can get as many degrees as you want, it is important that the degrees are relevant for the field of activity you activate or you plan to activate in the near future.
Q: Can my employer verify my degree?
A: Yes, of course. However, they need to have your consent in order to verify your degree. You should provide your date of birth, full name in the diploma, graduation date, mailing address, degree title and major, and your signature in order to process. Based on the security reason, all the universities in the world will not process without one of the above credentials. This is the universal verification policy.
Q: Can you provide dissertation?
A: We can provide you with dissertation thesis for an extra charge. We can customize the dissertation for you according to your preferences. It will stay in the permanent record of the universities. We need about two months for this service. If you consider this period too long you can buy from an online source.
Q: Can I have my dissertation written on the degree ?
A: The topic of your dissertation will be mentioned in the degree. You should order the transcripts and inform us when you order transcripts that you want the dissertation thesis topic to be mentioned on the degree.
Q: Can you provide legalization?
A: We provide lawyer legalization for the degree.
Q: Can you provide apostille ?
A: We will take you degree for apostille to the government office to sign and stamp.
Q: Can you provide notarization ?
A: We can provide you with notarization. Our lawyer will notarize your degree with stamp and signature
Earn a degree in a year
You can earn a degree if you decide to order a degree from us and study at distance. You do not have to attend courses or take complex exams and you just learn when you have time.
. If you have a busy schedule and you do not have time to attend classes then you should try to get a degree from us. You can learn from the comfort of your home, you do not have to attend courses, make projects and take complex exams. You will receive the learning material from us and you will write a dissertation paper in order to prove you have accumulated knowledge and skills in this field of activity.
Earn a degree in a year
You can earn a degree learning part time, with a flexible schedule of learning. You do not have to change your location and you do not have to give up your job. You receive the guidance of a professor in order to learn faster and to be able to write your dissertation paper. You will be able to choose the major in which you are interested and for a fraction of the cost of attending a traditional university, you will from us.
Our degrees are accredited, legal and verifiable. We collaborate with various accredited universities in a wide range of countries and we offer you legal and verifiable degrees. You will boost your reputation and you will gain social recognition if you have an accredited degree from us. You will get promoted at the work place and you can get a better job if you decide to invest in your future. By having a degree, you make an investment in your future, you get social recognition and you will be perceived as an expert at the workplace. All your colleagues, friends and relatives will be impressed by your knowledge and employers and work colleagues will respect your skills.
If you have a business of your own you can boost your credibility of you decide to earn a degree. You can hang on the walls of your office the accredited degree you have obtained and you will gain the trust of your business partners. It is a good idea to boost your business and to show off with a degree from a reputable university.
We offer confidentiality for our clients and we assure you that nobody will know our little secret. Nobody will know that you handled to get a degree, studying online. If someone wants to verify the legality of the degree, he or she can phone at the university and will be informed that you attended the online program and that you obtained your degree from that university. You do not have to worry, we do not make public the names of the universities from which we confer degrees, it will be our secret the name of the institution from which you obtained the degree.
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